I’ve never loved Lily Cole. Not only because she’s a model AND a Cambridge undergrad, but because her shoots never wowed me.
Well, Carter Smith – W. O. W.
Lily Cole is not really what’s great about this shoot, and if you look at Smith’s other works you see why. He seems able to capture dream-like images, showing woman as sexy, fantastical creatures – whether Britney Spears or Giselle, the effect is always the same in my mind’s eye. It’s picture-Lust, the feeling of being transported into earth, warm daydreams…
And some of his images are infamous. The Jessica Alba cover, which, to any fan of The City, was the catalyst of Olivia’s taking credit for Whitney’s work. Also, the recent spread of Miley in Elle which caused some controversy for being over-sexed, and the Britney spread with her sons…
Needless to say, I’m totally obsessed now… Carter Smith, I’ve got my eye on you…

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