Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Alt Jnr

I remember falling in love with this photo when I saw it on The Sartorialist about a year ago - it was my desktop image for a long time afterwards, I love how it has captured the tiny front rower interacting with the fashion we don't see. All that exists to suggest to us the always-daunting, always-austere fashion industry and a pair of brightly coloured legs in motion.

The photo reminds me of being taken to London Fashion Week by my father when I was a child.

Then, yesterday, I saw these photos of Emmanuelle Alt and her daughter, François, at fashion week at was so charmed I almost fell off my chair. I, certainly, was nowhere near this stylish as a child and my mind is boggled by this miniature, envy-inspiring wardrobe. But what I really love about these photos is the tongue-stuck-out, childish abandon shown by mini-Alt. Fashion is taken so seriously by those in the industry, just as any other business has it's necessary austerity. But it helps to be reminded that fashion is for everyone - of every age and of every background - and fashion is about FUN! Little Alt shows us the playful side of fashion while her Mama shows us the fearsome side!

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