If, like me, you’ve been pottering around London in the last few weeks, then you’re probably acquainted with the Elephant Family project, which brought designers, celebrities and royals together to decorate large, fibreglass elephants, which were placed around London to be admired. What I didn’t know until reading The Sunday Times Style supplement today was that they are all up for auction in aid of the charity! They’re running to about £10,000, and I certainly would struggle to find a home for something so enormous in my home, but still a part of me wishes I could take one home. Here are some of my favourites…
Lulu Guinness
Matthew Williamson
Emma Watson is showing us how NOT to do ‘festival style’. A corset top that looks like a prop from a bad Renaissance sitcom, too long, too short, too tight denim shorts, a bag that looks like it came from the gift shop at a Caribbean hotel and wellies with long socks! Ok, if you’re not in the UK, then you won’t know that the weather at the moment is stiflingly hot. How in the world is she wearing socks and wellies?! I was roasting today in ballet pumps!!
Bad, bad, bad. Sometimes t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops are enough…
You know you’ve been away from a thread too long, when you revisit only to find that the subject is pregnant! Congratulations to the beautiful Miroslava! I can’t believe she’s SO pregnant and I had no idea! Here she is with her bump in London -- utterly fabulous!
Source: TPF
Wow wow wow. Three generations of super model, three stunningly beautiful women, three times the WOW!
I can’t believe I never blogged the A/W'10 show… I love the clinched waists and full skirts, the amazing cleavage and the Mad Men-esque drama.
But this really takes the collection to the next level, what a wonderful campaign. I'm in L O V E!
Today I bought a book by Natasha Walter, which is exploring the sexualization of women, in a world where women have more civil, political and economical rights than ever. I'm only eight pages in, so far, but I then saw this spread in Tank, and saw 'The Living Doll' more clearly than ever. Walter explores how young girls, still children, are sexualized, and how the ideal woman becomes more and more doll-like. An unobtainable image of female perfection. And look at these pictures! Girls lining up to be weighed! Their waists are measured, and they're bound and tied, while mostly naked! Is this supposed to be clever?
On a related note, Christina Aguilera's new video, along with Lady Gaga's new video, and several other recent releases, all show extreme sexual scenarios, almost abusive, and latex and pleather are abound. Both of these performers have a young female fan base, so what are they trying to do? Is it empowering? I don’t think so. Instead, it says that women are sexual objects, at best, and at worst aren’t even human -- they’re glorified sex dolls.
At the same time, there's Julian MacDonald saying that plus-sized models have no place in the fashion world. He seems to imply that because he has had a line at Debenhams, he is the voice of authority in the fashion world. Well, Mr MacDonald, it is not the plus-sized models that need to move on, it is you. Open your mind, and move with the times, or be left behind to stitch sub-par couture on your sad little Singer.
I’m sure as I read Walter’s book, I will have more to say, and will express my thoughts more succinctly. For now, though, I simply have to ask, what is going on?