My father was an extremely well-dressed man. A clothes horse. His aesthetic was pure English gent, but colourful and quirky. That's where it started. I love the innovation of menswear. I also love how well documented mens fashion is in the street style blogosphere (did anyone know that 'blogosphere' is now in the OED?). I'm also luvky to have a beautifully dressed boyfriend who allows me to tag along to his shopping trips (I know, traditionally it's the other way 'round!). Anyway, in honour of my men, here are some fabulous examples of man-tastic fashion!
Layering is practically an art form. I love that he's wearing two shirts - denim and plaid - and those fantastic trousers - mixing sweatpants and tailoring.

I also love, LOVE chunky knits on men. My boyfriend and I tried to find him a 'Christmas jumper' for winter layering - this guy found it first.

The more surprising the layers the better - tshirt, shirt and button-up hoody, completed with a leather jacket that's more top-shelf than Top Gun. Nicely done!

Elbow patches. Enough said. I would stitch elbow patches on ALL of my clothes if I didn't think it would start raising eyebrows...

Colour. Beautiful colour. This guy... Well, he's like a lovely assault on the eye.

The suit. Classic, sharp, beautifully fitted. There's a reason women adopted them and called it 'power dressing'.

Cardigans. Another crucial element of any mans wardrobe. Especially under a blazer, and with sand chinos!

I went to Gant recently and they're layering shirts under rugby shirts, which is not commonly seen, and is also practical for the Spring chill.

All these lovely men in their beautiful clothes -- it's enough to make you wish for Garrett Neff to show up in your bed with the paper on Sunday morning...
Oh hey, look at that...

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