I’ve wanted to lighten my hair for a really long time. I dyed it a deep reddish-brown over a year ago, and as I patiently wait for it to grow out, I’m taken by a feverish desire to go light, light, LIGHT! Friends have said that my hair-moods reflect my state of mind, and I think, to an extent, they’re right!

A while ago, I saw that Rachel Bilson had unusual colouring, and then about a week ago, I saw this piece about Leighton Meister and immediately made an appointment at Daniel Hersheson to get uplights or ‘Baliage’...

I have come to realise (after the Hair Horror of 2010) that it is worth not cheaping out when it comes to hairdressers, and Amy proved me right. She did a beautiful job, and I’m absolutely in love with it! Hooray for sun-kissed hair in rain-spattered, freezing-cold weather!

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