I have always looked on Victoria’s Secret ads with a totally puzzled and fairly disgusted eye. Their catalogues are famous the world over as more likely to be found covered with not-mysterious stains under a teenage boy’s bed than with pages hopefully turned down on the average woman’s kitchen table. ‘Victoria Secret model’ is synonymous with ‘Most Beautiful Women in the World’ airbrushed to a whole new level of terrifying perfection. ‘Angel’ is a laughable and insulting term for these bra-and-panties clad gym-and-salad gorging semi-humans. In a sense, however, it didn’t matter. It is an American institution; it is the American way. It was across the pond and avoidable.
But now, like all things, the inevitable American influence has washed up on our shores in the form of La Senza’s Cup-Sized Choir. Seriously, who are they trying to sell to? Boyfriends and husbands? Not only appealing to the lowest-common-denominator of the male gender, but also a slap-in-the-face Christmas gift. ‘Honey, I saw boobs on TV and thought buying the product for you would make you more desirable…’. Well Merry Fucking Christmas to you too! Why don’t I book you in for a penis enlargement?
Why is women’s underwear advertised this way? In our lifetimes, probably 90% of our underwear ownership is about comfort, support and fit. About US! 10% is about looking hot for some luck guy. If we put the power of purchase in the hands of men, what is left? We’ll all be walking around with scraps of fabric up our asses and nipple tassels under our work shirts…
There is a whole other post to be written about the fact that there is only one store in the UK that sells bras made in real sizes. Any woman who has been measured by a professional knows that hardly anyone is actually a 34B. For now, though, I ask you, WHY WHY WHY is our underwear being sold to us via men? Why is the sexy 10% of our underwear needs the only part being pitched to us?
In closing, I should make it abundantly clear that I absolutely love wearing hot underwear, the objects themselves are not anti-feminist, but I don’t see how these ads can be taken any other way…
1 comment:
interesting post.. I very much agree with what you said and the 90%-10% ratio is soo true.. All i can say is that I guess VS is marketing for that 10%...
interesting though - I've never seen any of these two adds.. VS ad is selling sex essentially but I must say it worked for me. The message is clear "wear VS and you will feel sexy" ...I enjoyed the VS ad and even rewatched it. I guess they are trying to sell sex appeal which is something that man enjoy and women want to have more of..
La Senza ad i thought was very tasteless and slutty. They got it wrong on so many levels.. The airbrushing, the make-up (notice the smudgy lipstick), the singing of the notes which looks 'orgasmic'. The models.. To be honest La Senza ad looks more like an amateur erotica video and I didnt feel the slightest desire to rush to their store..in fact it may have had the opposite effect.
I guess may be there is a difference between "sexy" in VS and point blank "sex" in the La Senza ad.
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