One of the (many) things that stayed with me from reading ‘Living Dolls’ was the sexualisation of girls while they’re still children. Natasha Walters is so right in pointing out that the ‘girly’ way we’re brought up is incredibly damaging to our sense of being strong women, not to mention remaining physically youthful! Pink and sparkles and Barbie and ponies and all that crap… I mean it isn’t exactly an attitude to take to the boardroom, is it? "Sales are plummeting? It's ok, my Care Bear will kissing it better!" What’s more, Bratz dolls in their fishnets and Taylor Momsen-eyeshadow are not the image to be holding up as ideal to girls aged 4-plus…
The amazing women at Mumsnet have begun the 'Let Girls be Girls’ campaign to try and combat the little-girl-prostitute image that is rife on the high street, and in society generally. What a fantastic issue for them to put their weight behind, and the list of brands and stores backing the push is incredibly impressive. I will certainly be watching closely to see what happens next…
I came across these illustrations, I’m not sure how, but thought they were fabulous. I apologise for the lack of blogging, we’ve been having some broadband issues. Anyway, thank you Edith Head for these gorgeous drawings, they remind me of Lulu Guinness’ aesthetic…
I hope you all had wonderful weekends! Mine was certainly delicious. It involved...
...Hummingbird cupcakes…
...It disappeared pretty quickly…
I saw beautiful hydrangeas at the flower stall beneath the Conran Shop…
I went to Byron Burger on the Kings Road, which, I swear to you, makes the best hamburger you’ve ever tasted. According to my fellow diner, I looked a great deal like a toddler struggling to locate their mouth. It was not elegant...
Luckily, I can illustrate this quite well with a picture of myself as a child, accurately locating my mouth, and looking pretty happy about it...
I also had my first kitchen triumph making Betty Crocker’s oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies. Betty must be a genius to have come up with a recipe SO foolproof that even I could make them edible…
Blogger, in its infinite capacity for creating widgets, now allows you to tell me whether you think a post is ‘funny’, ‘interesting’ and/or ‘cool’! So, let me know what you think by clicking the boxes below! And while you’re at it, feel free to comment!
Yes, I spent my lunch hour (plus, ahem, a little extra) yesterday browsing the strange and wonderful treasures of the Spitalfields vintage and antiques market. You can buy everything from a '50s barber's chair to old military uniform, to costume jewelry and absurd knickknacks from the corner of a cockney geeza’s attic.
After browsing with a much more hurried eye than I would have liked, I added to my collection of junk a fabulous costume necklace (possibly from the 50s), two black and white ‘prints’ (which are really pages pulled from art books, and cost a single British pound each) and the most stupendous black satchel bag from Blondie.
Check it out! I now have a ‘blog roll’ so as to share the wonderful blogs that fill my G Reader every day! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Each time I look at it, crassly layered and unruly, I get depressed, and thus am considering going short. I was desperate to grow it long again, but if there was every a good reason to have the chop, here she is…
I’m just in love with Julianne Moore. She is the most beautiful woman. Red headed women, I have long believed, are the most beautiful. Something about their bone structure, that cream-coloured skin… If I could have anyone’s looks, well Julianne would be high on my list. Stunning.
On Sunday, I went to my first yoga class (more on that later), but it took place in a dance studio, and now I want to do everything! Salsa? Yes! Latin? Yes! Ballet? Well… Maybe I’ll work up to that one… So You Think You Can Dance? Yes, I do!
Enjoy this, my favourite routine from the show… A beautiful start to Tuesday morning!
I am dreading the Edinburgh winter, but I am also LOVING these big, statement knits. Chunky knitwear and boots are the only good thing about bad weather!
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, and I should - in fact – say it every day, but thank you.
Thank you for being the Ashley to my Mary-Kate…
Alex Wek for Dutch Glamour. I just think this is so beautiful – I wish we could all walk around decorated in rainbow colours. Too, too stunning.