Once upon a few decades ago, travel was fun. Holidays were holidays and people didn't have to endure inhumane travel conditions to get to where they were going... In fact, travel was part of the pleasure!
I have long been lusting after a vintage Louis Vuitton trunk. The epitome of stylish travel. Remnant of the days when the service industry didn't mean being tossed a bag a peanuts, but rather having someone to lift your trunk onto the steamer train or ship, someone to welcome you aboard, and even someone to pour you the perfect martini.

Anyone who has recently travelled on Ryanair can see how far we're journeyed since journeying was enjoyable. Charged for oxygen once on board and herded around like ignorant, mindless cattle, if you asked one of the stewards for help, they'd either sneer in your face or they'd charge you extra.

Of course cheap travel has it's perks. It's cheap, and it gets you from A to B (most of the time). But is it ever enjoyable? No. Is it ever friendly? No. Is it ever relaxing? Don't be absurd...
The 1910's and 1920's were difficult and scary in many ways. But by God, did they know how to travel in style...

Jane Russell and Marilyn Monroe show us how to travel in style in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
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