There’s nothing better than beautifully draped fabric. It flatters a woman’s body like nothing else can. Also, is that a baby bump under Rachel Zoe’s gorgeous black dress? I hope so – I just adore her and ‘Rog’!
Monday, 15 November 2010
The Fall of Fabric
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Great News for Insomniacs!
According to a study by LSE, I must be super clever. I knew there was a silver lining to getting no sleep!
University Goes Editorial
Even though I think the styling in this shoot is a bit ‘blah’, I love the concept! Hooray for university chic! I have to say that no one in this city actually dresses this way, nor do they walk around cradling their teddy bears, however, I do love that they’ve tried to indicate that the typical ‘trackies and a hoody’ scenario can actually be dressed up to look stylish! Thank you, Elle Belgique!
Saturday, 13 November 2010
How to Wear a Scarf...
Giant Polo Ponies Take Bond Street!
Perhaps we all get complacent about these things nowadays, but I was honestly starting to think that technology couldn’t surprised me any more. I was entirely wrong. I read about the Ralph Lauren 4D experience online, and thought nothing of it – 3D technology is in every cinema now and, increasingly, on TV too – and how different could one more D be?
Well, not understanding anything about the technology, this is visually stunning. I love that fashion is leading the way in this, but I can’t help but wonder what else they can do with it, while at the same time worrying that we’ll soon be walking around in a world reminiscent of Inception, with streets folding over on themselves and building appearing and disappearing instantaneously… Alarming thought for a Saturday morning!
The Official Ralph Lauren 4D Experience - London from Ralph Lauren on Vimeo.
Friday, 12 November 2010
What's On Watson?
You want to wear black lave? That’s fine! How about this DAY Birger et Mikkelsen Lace dress? No silly feathers, no visible bra, and no call for disastrous fashion tape applications… Tiffany’s jewellery for seriously chic sparkle, a Lulu Guinness clutch for a touch of English rock’n’roll and Louboutins. The make up is great, we’ll leave that alone.
If I could dress you however I liked, though, you’d be wearing this…
The most amazing Oscar de la Renta dress you, or I, or anyone, has ever seen, columnar, the height of elegance. Understated jewellery from Tiffany’s (bracelet from charmandchain), Louboutin shoes and a Swarovski crystal-covered clutch. A red carpet look that says, ‘Look world, I’m all grown up, and worthy of the cover of Vogue’… And not a bra strap, feather or shred of tit-tape to be seen…
Monday, 8 November 2010
Indian Wedding
Etsy is such a treasure trove – I could spend forever browsing! I thought I’d share these with you, aren’t they striking? Gorgeous.
Sunday, 7 November 2010
The Art of the Trench
Friday, 5 November 2010
St Tropez Hair, Scottish Weather
I’ve wanted to lighten my hair for a really long time. I dyed it a deep reddish-brown over a year ago, and as I patiently wait for it to grow out, I’m taken by a feverish desire to go light, light, LIGHT! Friends have said that my hair-moods reflect my state of mind, and I think, to an extent, they’re right!
A while ago, I saw that Rachel Bilson had unusual colouring, and then about a week ago, I saw this piece about Leighton Meister and immediately made an appointment at Daniel Hersheson to get uplights or ‘Baliage’...
I have come to realise (after the Hair Horror of 2010) that it is worth not cheaping out when it comes to hairdressers, and Amy proved me right. She did a beautiful job, and I’m absolutely in love with it! Hooray for sun-kissed hair in rain-spattered, freezing-cold weather!
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Paris vs. NYC
This is such an adorable blog – a great addition to any GReader! Exploring the differences between these two fabulous cities. I just love the illustrations...
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
By this point, I’m sure you have all seen the wonderfully bizarre video premiering the Lanvin for H&M collection (including an alarming shot of a plus size model on a treadmill...). Here is my wish list. You’d better believe I’ll be first in line for these on the 23rd! I can’t get them out of my head! I MUST have them in my wardrobe!!!
Breaking (Old) News
I had no idea! Baz Luhrmann is making a movie of ‘The Great Gatsby’! I have mixed feelings about it – ‘Romeo + Juliet’ is one of my favourite adoptions, but how will Gatsby fair at the hands of hallucinogenic Luhrmann-mania? What do you guys think? Genius? Or slaughterer of classic literature?